May is Mental Health Matters Month
This year's Mental Health Matters Month theme is #HopeForChange. The activities and messages ground us in the moment, allow us to reflect on the growth we have experienced, and empower us to face change in the future with hope as our guiding principle. The past year has undoubtedly brought unanticipated changes for us as individuals, families, and communities--leaving us to face these challenges and transform. Change is not always planned. Growth can be powerful and empowering. It can also be uncomfortable. #HopeForChange reminds us to spread and rely on the hope that carried us through a year of change. These activities follow physical distancing guidelines and are built off the past year that changed many of our selfcare activities.
May Resources & Activities
- Social Media
- Draft posts and images for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter throughout the month of May (3-4 posts per week with localization options, scroll down to download).
- Note: There are also Spanish translated social media posts - look out for the images as well as the PDF that contains the text and a guide.
- 2021 May is Mental Health Matters Month Activities (linked below):
- Previous Mental Health Month Matters Activities (linked below):
- Sticky Note Wall Activity (English) (Spanish) (Ribbon Template)
- "Take What You Need" Poster (English) (Spanish)
- Fence Activity
- Say This Not That Tip Sheet
- Directing Change Program and Film Contest: Hope & Justice category
- Video Conferencing Mental Health Matters Month Backgrounds
- May is Mental Health Matters Month 2021 Proclamation Template
- Click here to download
- May Technical Assistance (TA) Emails
- Participate in the Mental Health Matters Month Email Campaign and encourage staff, providers, and community partners to join in celebrating and promoting mental health efforts throughout May. These weekly emails can be customized with your logo and local information.
- TA Emails in Spanish
View the linked activity guides above, download the social media calendar and images to post throughout May, and download the video conferencing backgrounds to participate in May is Mental Health Matters Month. In alignment with the safe distancing guidelines, we have developed these resources to allow for self-care while remaining physically distanced, but socially and emotionally connected. You will notice that the activities developed are for people to do individually in order to follow state and local health guidelines, as gathering is not currently within those guidelines. Additionally, the social media posts in the editorial calendars are intended to promote these individualized activities. Watch this Zoom recording of a walk through of the May is Mental Health Matters Month 2021 Activation Kit by clicking here.